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Declining your firm place

If you no longer want to go to your firm choice, you can use the ‘Decline your place’ button in your application.

  • From 5 July, if you are holding a firm unconditional place, you can release yourself into Clearing, by using the ‘Decline your place’ button in your application. 
  • You should only use this button if you no longer wish to take up your place at your firm choice. If you are unsure, you should speak to your university or college and/or an adviser at your school/centre to discuss options.
  • If you want to remain at the same university or college, but swap your course, you must speak to your university or college in the first instance. Using the button in your application will mean any arrangements you have made for accommodation or scholarships will also be cancelled.
  • If you use the button and complete the steps, your place will be declined and your contract with the university or college will be cancelled and you will lose your place – therefore, only use this button if you are sure you no longer want your place.

Find out more about Clearing

Frequently asked questions

I declined my place by accident – what should I do?

You need to phone the university or college as soon as possible – unfortunately your place may have been offered to another applicant.

Will I lose my insurance place if I decline my firm place?

Yes, by declining your firm place, you’ll enter Clearing, and you can apply to a uni or college with vacancies.

If you want to go to your insurance place, you should phone them to see if they will accept you before declining your firm place.

Can I decline my place if it is still 'conditional firm'?

No, you'll need to wait for the uni or college to update your offer to either unconditional or unsuccessful.

They may be waiting for additional, or missing, information before they can update your offer, or they may still be considering your application even if you didn’t get the required grades. Check your application to see if the university or college has given any details about why your update is still pending, or contact them directly to find out more.

If you are still unsure about your options, please contact us for advice.

I’ve added a course in Clearing but cannot decline this – why?

You need to wait for that uni or college to either accept you in Clearing (Clearing Accept), so you can then decline this offer, or they can make you unsuccessful — and you can then use Clearing again.

I’ve accepted an unconditional course change offer – can I decline this?

Yes, you can decline this by clicking the ‘Decline my place’ button.and following the steps.  

I’ve changed my mind and don’t want to go to uni this year – what do I do?

If you want to completely withdraw your application for this year:

  • If you have accepted an offer, you need to phone the unis that are holding the place(s) for you, and ask them to withdraw your application. You can also call UCAS, and we’ll do it for you.
  • If you have not accepted an offer, you can withdraw your whole application online.