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Direct mail

Showcase your brand experience, not just your message, by getting it through the letterboxes of young people, students, and potential new customers. Direct mail can help your brand stand out.

From data to delivery, all in one place

In the age of digital natives, short attention spans, and long scroll times – you need to cut through the noise.

With direct mail, you’ll deliver a different experience that makes students feel seen and valued. It’s easy too – our one-stop-shop provides targeting, data, set up, and delivery. All we need from you is the message.

Direct mail is kept in the household for an average of 10.4 days

Be front-and-centre of a student's journey

With 700,000 applicants per year and as a go-to source of trusted information, we have the student ear and they look to us for help, advice, and guidance. We can help you reach the students most likely to be interested, making your brand part of their personalised customer journey – and what better way than a personally addressed letter? 

45% of 15 to 24 year olds said they trusted content delivered by mail, and are more likely to trust it than any other age group.


Raise brand awareness through an entire household and be present for longer

  • Reach exactly who you need to, using over 200 audience segmenting filters like location, demographic, or subject interest.
  • Direct mail lets you be creative – include physical gifts/samples/keepsakes to stand out.
  • We’ll manage the process end-to-end to make it easy for you, so that you can focus on the tough stuff.
  • Combine direct mail with online campaigns for repeated brand exposure and a more memorable presence - reaching the right people at the right time.
Photo of students waiting

We'll support your ideas or aims

We’re with you every step of the way when it comes to direct mail. Whether you have a big idea in mind, or just know what you need to achieve, we’ll support you from the very beginning.

15 to 24 year olds trust content delivered by mail over any other age group


Here's how it works

  1. Together we'll select the data that targets your market.
  2. Choose the date range and timeframe that suits your expected outcome.
  3. Provide us with the creative that you’d like inside your mailer.
  4. We’ll print, prepare, and send your campaign from our mailing house.

7.52% average conversion rate from direct to application - 2023 entry PAD campaigns

Let's talk direct mail

Get in touch and we'll walk you through the data, segmentation, and mailing requirements.
