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What is a construction and the built environment apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship in construction and the built environment is a practical, work-based route into a job in construction, architecture, or similar. You will be able to gain the qualifications and skills to work in the field while earning a salary and not paying tuition fees.

Construction doesn’t always mean manual labour; there are a variety of roles like architecture, town planning, or energy management. Or there are more traditional roles too.

Career opportunities from a construction and the built environment apprenticeship

An apprenticeship in the industry can lead to a range of careers, including an:

A day in the life of a Building Services Engineering Apprentice

Harry helps plan sustainable buildings as a building services apprentice at Troup, Bywaters + Anders.


The average salary for an apprentice in the building and construction industry
*Glassdoor, correct as of November 2022

300,000 homes**

The UK Government's target to build each year by the mid-2020s
**GOV.UK, correct as of November 2022

Large sector***

The construction sector is one of the largest in the UK economy
***GOV.UK, correct as of November 2022
William Hall Level 7 Architect Apprenticeship
William Hall, Apprentice at HLM Architects

I went to uni and ended up in a lecture that was talking about apprenticeships. I was immediately hooked as it suited my learning style perfectly and I was excited about working in a real-world environment…I really love being in a creative environment, especially one where you’re constantly changing the world around you through the work you’re producing.

Andrew George Head of Talent Development Barrett Development
Andrew George, Head of Talent at Barrett Homes

There’s a perception that building and construction apprenticeships are for those wanting muddy boots and onsite experience, but that’s simply not true. Of course, there are those opportunities, but there are also so many other areas in construction where you can really drive and push new ways of doing things.

A day in the life of an Architecture Apprentice

Will designs buildings as an architectural apprentice at HLM Architects.

Pros and cons


  • You can see the results of what you’re doing in the real world.
  • You can work on real issues, like fighting climate change and sustainability.
  • There’s lots of opportunity to move around and try new things.


  • Some roles can be physically demanding.
  • You may need to work long hours.
  • You need to balance working and studying.

Who would suit an apprenticeship in construction and the built environment?

You might be interested in a construction and the built environment apprenticeship if you:

  • are passionate about the built environment and issues like climate change and sustainability
  • like the idea of a hands-on role, whether that’s onsite, or in an office designing buildings
  • can see how things fit together and work logistically

You might be a good fit for a construction apprenticeship if you:

  • work well as part of a team
  • can multitask
  • work well under pressure
  • are a good problem-solver
  • use your initiative
  • are creative and interested in building design
Architect working onsite

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FAQs about construction and the built environment apprenticeships

How do apprenticeships in construction and the built environment work?

An apprenticeship is an opportunity to work and study at the same time. You spend most of your time doing on-the-job training, and the rest is spent working towards a qualification. You get paid a salary and get dedicated study time throughout the week.

Apprenticeships are available at a range of levels depending on the type you do. For example, becoming an architect requires a degree apprenticeship, whereas other professions don’t require you to study for as long.

How long is an apprenticeship in the sector?

The length of your apprenticeship depends on the level you’re taking. For example, a degree apprenticeship could take three to six years, whereas an advanced apprenticeship could take one to two years. Sometimes people do consecutive apprenticeships too; so that will add on extra time.

What qualifications do you need?

Entry requirements are different depending on the role you’re interested in. For example, Level 2 apprenticeships generally need no formal qualifications, while you may need GCSEs and A levels for a degree apprenticeship.

Remember, it’s not all about qualifications. Employers will be looking for willingness to learn, passion, and transferrable skills you could bring to the role.

What is the salary for an apprentice in the sector?

The salary varies depending on the role you’re interested in, and every employer will pay differently. You will be paid at least the minimum wage of £4.81 per hour.

Karen Mosley Managing Director  HLM Architects
Karen Mosley, Managing Director, HLM Architects

Architecture is a passion that can be intense and all-consuming, so what apprenticeships offer is the balance between working in the thick of creativity, and the space to step back and learn and reflect based on theory. When we’re looking for apprentices, softer human skills are really important in the selection process. We’re looking for people with a creative mindset, the ability to listen and the confidence to communicate and present ideas.

Shining architecture on a sunny day

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